Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kelly Steinlage Handout

Kelly Steinlage 09/30/2011 

Is Silence Golden?
Responding to Controversial Topics in the Early Adolescent Art Room


Barrett, T. (2000). Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Barrett, T. (1997). Talking about Student Art. Woscester, MA: Davis Publications.
Blair, L. (1996). Strategies for Dealing with Censorship. Art Education , 49 (5), 57-61.
Check, E. (2001). In the Trenches. In Y. Gaudeluis, & P. Spiers (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Art Education (pp. 51-60). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Chung, S. K. (2009). An Art of Resistence: From the Street to the Classroom. Art Education , 62 (4), 25-32.
Chung, S. K. (2007). Media Literacy Art Education: Deconstructing Lesbian and Gay Stereotypes in the Media. International Journal of Art & Design Education , 26 (1), 98-107.
Chung, S. K. (2005). Media/Visual Literacy Art Education: Cigarette Ad Deconstruction. Art Education , 58 (3), 19-24.
Chung, S. K. (2007). Media/Visual Literacy Art Education: Sexism in Hip-Hop Music Videos. Art Education , 60 (3), 33-38.
Hoffman, J. (2011, 03 26). Sexting Turns Explicit, Altering Young Lives. Retrieved 04 20, 2011 from
Nordlund, C., Speirs, P., & Stewart, M. (2010). An Invitation to Social Change: Fifteen Principles for Teaching Art. Art Education , 63 (5), 36-43.
School District of Philadelphia. (1990, 12 17). 119. CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES. Retrieved 04 20, 2011 from
Tatum, B. D. (1997). "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" And Other Conversations About Race. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Wright, W. (1991). A Walk on the Wild Side: One Teacher's Approach to Controversial Art. School Arts , 90 (7), 50-51.
Yokley, S. H. (1999). Embracing a Critical Pedagogy in Art Education. Art Education , 52 (5), 18-24.

Blair’s questions to ask when a parent objects to their child seeing a certain artist’s work:
·       To what in the work or assignment do you object?
·       What do you feel might be the result of viewing, reading or learning about this work?
·       What do you believe is the theme or purpose of this work?
·       Is there a work of equal value that you would recommend which would serve as an alternative to the work in question?
(Blair, 1996, p. 61)

Chung’s questions to guide students to analyze and examine media representations of lesbian and gay people:
·       What is the purpose of this advertisement/scene? (e.g., product sale, service, advocacy, or viewpoint)
·       What pictorial elements/design techniques are used to gain our attention?
·       What is the scene trying to tell us? (viewpoint, plot, belief or value)
·       What responses is the scene meant to elicit from the viewer?
·       Are there other implicit messages in this advertisement?
·       Is there a lesbian or gay character in this scene, and how do you know?
·       What is the character doing? How is he/she portrayed?
·       What assumptions do you make from this scene?
·       What does the scene say about lesbian and gay people?
·       What connections can you make between lesbian and gay people and what is advertised?
·       Is the scene portraying a lesbian or gay stereotype?  Which stereotype?
·       How do we know the portrayal is a stereotype?
·       What other lesbian or gay stereotypes do you frequently see in the media?
·       Can we brainstorm some ways to challenge this stereotype?
(Chung, 2007, p. 104)

“Teachers can obtain gay-related advertisements online from the Commercial Closet, an organization that seeks to educate corporate advertisers and the public about homophobia, inclusion and lesbian and gay stereotypes in mainstream advertising… An instructional guide is also available on this organizations website to help teachers engage their students in examining GLBT issues and stereotypes” (Chung, 2007, p. 104)

Wilke, M. (2001-6). The Commercial Closet (online). Available from URL:

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate your post Kelly..I like how you compared Wright and Blair. Can you post that so we can read it better, Thanks!
