Visual Expression and Visual Learning
Seen From the Perspective of
Nonviolent Communication
Seen From the Perspective of
Nonviolent Communication
Drawing gap, a decline in artistic performance around the age of 10-12 is explained by theories of Betty Edwards, Zsuzsa Gerő and Andrea Kárpáti. Edwards claims that the drawing gap appears due to the dominance of the right hemisphere over the right one. Gerő connects it to psychological factors and ambition to draw realistically, while Karpáti claims that drawing gap actually presents a change in taste and ways of visual expression, and not a true decline in quality. Seeking continuity in visual expression, Kárpáti suggests a change of focus and tools in art education.
The difficulties students in art schools face in their drawing lessons are compared to the difficulties of the drawing gap. These two problems are examined from the NVC point of view and its understanding of judgement. It is shown that the judgmental cognitive pattern may be the potential cause of difficulties in progressing in drawing , both for children aged 10-12 and art students (ages 14 and above) , and that it may mean that we are talking about one problem. The efficiency of Betty Edwards’ exercises is explained, with the creation of non-judgmental thinking patterns in students which leads to the state of flow.
Three elements; syncretism, flow and non-judgmental approach; are suggested to be the basic elements of problem-free development and self-expression in drawing.
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